La Sunday School à l’église Unie de Waterville poursuit sa mission

Cela fait plus de trente ans que Sandra Rudd transmet aux enfants les valeurs d’entraide et de compassion qui lui sont chères, dans le cadre de l’École du dimanche à l’Église Unie de Waterville.
Elle qui fréquentait l’école du dimanche à l’église Baptiste de North Hatley lorsqu’elle était enfant, assure maintenant chaque dimanche la lecture d’une histoire biblique inspirante, suivie de la réalisation par les enfants d’un bricolage artistique inspiré par cette histoire. L’occasion de partager et d’échanger sur les valeurs véhiculées, le contenu de l’histoire, et son interprétation dans le monde moderne. Et tout simplement de passer un temps ensemble.
L’école du dimanche a lieu tous les dimanches matin à l’Église Unie de Waterville. Les parents et les enfants sont invités à venir dès 11h. Les enfants de tous les âges sont les bienvenus. Une légère collation est partagée lors du bricolage !
Sunday March 24 11:00 am palm Sunday service with Sunday school. Friday March 24 7:00 PM Good Friday service. Sunday March 31 11:00 am Easter Service (communion will be served) with Sunday school.
On Sunday March 31 at 11:00 our Easter church service will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. The minister will present a short story for the children before they go downstairs to take part in the Sunday school class. Once downstairs the Sunday school teacher will read a story based on Jesus’s resurrection, while the children enjoy a light snack. This will be followed by a craft based on the subject which the children can take home with them once the service is over. Our hope is that the children will realize by hearing the story that Jesus has unwavering love and that is why he gave his life for us. Please note that both the service and Sunday school will be held English.
There has always been a Sunday school as long as we have children attending the church. I have been teaching the children for over 30 years. During that time we did have a couple of years with no kids at which time I took part in the church choir. I like reading the stories and doing the crafts with the children. Our hope is that they learn through the stories how to be kind and help others.
Sunday school is opened to all. Please come at 11am.
10-15mn upstair with everybody.
Then a craft with children based on the story.
Two family school teachers.
Sharing beeing kind to each others. Helping other people. Average 4 children, from 3 to 8 years old.